「grab a coffee中文」熱門搜尋資訊

grab a coffee中文

「grab a coffee中文」文章包含有:「grabacoffee」、「grabacoffee的中文翻釋」、「grabacoffee不是請喝咖啡的意思而已嗎」、「Grabacoffee」、「"grabsomecoffee"是什麼意思?」、「"grabacupofcoffee"是什麼意思?」、「grabacoffee的情境影片範例」、「登峰小補丸(No.308)口說小俚語:大忙人,待會又要趕去哪啊?」、「grabacoffee」

grab a drink意思have a drink意思get a drink中文Grab a drinkHave a drinktake a drink中文Beverage drink 差異buy you a drink意思grab a coffee中文
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grab a coffee
grab a coffee


Grab a coffee. 喝一杯咖啡。 Well, you want to grab a coffee or something?

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grab a coffee 的中文翻釋
grab a coffee 的中文翻釋


超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...

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grab a coffee不是請喝咖啡的意思而已嗎
grab a coffee不是請喝咖啡的意思而已嗎


超荒謬剛在星巴克,店員跟我說隨行卡餘額不足問我要儲值多少然後我後面的男生突然插話男:不用儲,我請你grab a coffee 我:不用啦男:沒關係啦這一點 ...

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Grab a coffee
Grab a coffee


當老外問說let's go grab coffee sometime! We can hang out and spend more time knowing each other. 這是以朋友的角度還是性暗示啊?

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"grab some coffee"是什麼意思?
"grab some coffee"是什麼意思?


grab some coffee的意思Literally it means let's go somewhere (a café or restaurant) and have/drink some coffee. Figuratively, it means let's ...

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"grab a cup of coffee"是什麼意思?
"grab a cup of coffee"是什麼意思?


grab a cup of coffee的意思It means get a cup of coffee :)|@musaas Yes. If you want to get a cup of coffee with a friend you can say Let's ...

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grab a coffee 的情境影片範例
grab a coffee 的情境影片範例


You can grab a coffee at the vending machine outside with the leader himself. 你可以在外面的自動售貨機上和上司一起喝杯咖啡。 12 2B1 中級 ...

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登峰小補丸(No.308) 口說小俚語:大忙人,待會又要趕去哪啊?
登峰小補丸(No.308) 口說小俚語:大忙人,待會又要趕去哪啊?


Claire:Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? (要不要喝杯咖啡? ) Nicole:I can't I told my sister I'd meet up with her later tonight ...

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grab a coffee
grab a coffee


Translation of grab a coffee in Chinese. 去喝杯咖啡. 享用咖啡. 喝一杯咖啡. 买 ...